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How to Use the Resources of Church Growth Ministries



Church growth is vital in every church ministry. There are several resources offered online and books that are available about church growth ministries. Before you choose resources and run through it you must first consider its reliability. This will help you in understanding the resources given and on how you are going to use it in the ministry. Biblical truth is very necessary in considering the resources thus, it is vital to check your Bible to see whether it is the truth.

For church growth ministries you need group of people that will help you put into action the steps and strategies that you found on your chosen resources. Moreover, you need to unceasingly pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit for without it will be very hard for you to follow the steps offered by spiritual leaders. A thorough planning of the church council leaders is also important for they are the people who will lead the whole church in the process of growth. You must also involve the other ministry and organizations of the church in planning and making actions.

Each must have the same vision about doing the plans that will help the members of the congregation. They must put in mind that spiritual growth can achieve by growing not in quantity. Growing in number is not the main basis of a church growth. A church may be comprised of members who are not mature in their faith because the church almost ignores the individual needs of its members. Thus, it good to start the church growth ministries in small group by dividing the members and letting the whole group meet on a regular basis.

Quality Christians are what the Lord want. He wants His children to go to His sanctuary to worship Him in spirit and in truth and not merely going to church. Thus, the need of the members must be cater in order to help them grow maturely in faith. By helping them develop a strong prayer life, the church will also grow in their prayer ministry. Co-partnering with other churches will also be helpful, especially to the mother church; it goes on with the small churches in small towns that need assistance from their mother church. Their help will be very essential in helping the small church to broaden its service to the people of God. By doing so, many people will get to know the Lord. A church who have services outside its core, can be considered as a church who has grown not just inside the four walls of the sanctuary, but most of all on the community who needs it most.

For more instructions and ways on using the resources of church growth ministries you may visit the site where you find more reliable resources about this topic. God bless and may your Church more in the Spirit of God by extending His love to your brothers and sisters in faith and in the community who are hungry to hear the Word of God.


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